I've been writing only about myself until now for these plans are all my own plans, but in reality I'm not going alone. I'm travelling with Judit at the first part of the journey (if you met us on the trip, you probably met us together :), and more friends of mine are thinking about joining me after she will have left. My best friend Gyuri wants to join me on Thailand to go diving together but of course he's still not certain yet because he's a so-called artist... ;)
So, Judit. She looks like this:

She's 22, jolly girl up to any fun whom I know through university friends. She said we became travel-mates when I asked her whether she joins me on a trip to Iran for a few months. (I was only planning a shorter trip to Iran at that time.) And she said "yep". Of course I don't remember all this because my memory sucks.
Our longest trip with Judit has been 2 days, from Budapest to a village called Mátraverebély, which is 90kms from the capital. It would have been 4 days but after 30kms we got lost (even having a GPS...) so we rather opted to come home. :) Learning from this example it's not impossible that instead of Thailand we will only reach Vienna and also it is a real concern whether we get on well. It's hard to tolerate each other's stupidities and I hope we don't kill each other when being lost in Vienna. Tolerating each other on a trip is even hard for best friends, and we are only getting to know each other. But we ARE going to work on our relationship and not to tear off each other's balls. Right, Judit? :)